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Better Options for How to Get Divorced

Divorce Options

Most people are familiar with the traditional litigation/court method for getting divorced.  However, there are actually several other options for how to get divorced in Florida that are often used by couples to maintain control over their future.

Uncontested Divorce

An uncontested divorce occurs when both parties are in agreement with all of the terms of a divorce. At Reed Law, we offer an online option allows parties who have reached an agreement regarding all of their issues finalize their divorce for a low flat-fee, and in most cases without every having to attend a hearing.


Mediation is a voluntary, informal brainstorming and problem-solving process that parties can engage in either with or without attorneys, aided by the mediator, who is a neutral facilitator, skilled in conflict resolution.  Mediation is also a confidential process.  All mediation communications are confidential except where disclosure is required or permitted by law.  Depending on the parties’ wishes, they can be in the same room, or in separate rooms, called caucusing.  Kimberly D. Reed is skilled in conflict resolution, and can guide you through the mediation process.

Collaborative Divorce

The collaborative divorce model is a non-adversarial process that is designed to help divorcing couples and other family law litigants find solutions to difficult issues. This process permits the couple and their lawyers to work together to achieve a satisfactory settlement in a cooperative manner, keeping the couple in control of their future, instead of in the hands of a Judge.

Unbundled Services

Hiring an attorney to represent you through an entire family law legal proceeding can be expensive or more than you believe you need. At Reed Law, we offer an alternative option to our clients that allows the client to narrow the attorney’s role to just what specific service or services the client wants. This is known as providing unbundled services. It allows clients access to legal services that they would otherwise not receive and minimizes their financial commitment.